New Show Derek Is Another Netflix Gem from Ricky Gervais | I've been a longtime fan of Ricky Gervais, ever since his turn as David Brent on the original version of The Office. Now he's back in a Netflix original series, called Derek, where he plays a caretaker at a British nursing home. Derek is a sweet, kind person who also borders on autistic | We Are Men is the Latest Flop About Men Behaving Badly | by:Michael Griffin| Thursday, Oct 31st, 2013 Recently, We Are Men was canceled after only two episodes aired. That was too many episodes, in my opinion. They tried to use the crutch of the man who bands with his "bros" over the "shrill, angry" women who would ruin their fun. People didn't want to see emotionally adolescent men stay stuck in those mindsets for a whole season. | How I Met Your Mother Spin-off How I Met Your Father Is Not an Idea | by:Michael Arbeiter| Thursday, Oct 31st, 2013 In middle school, they taught us about plagiarism. I remember taking much surprise in learning that not only was it a violation to reproduce the work of others, but to reproduce your own past work as well. They taught us that regurgitating passages from papers you've turned in previously would result in a failing grade... | Michael Fassbender is the Next Great Gangster | by:Alexa Smail | Thursday, Oct 31st, 2013 We've seen him play a sex addict, a villain, a scientist, and a soldier, but never have we seen Michael Fassbender play a gangster. However, that may soon change; according to sources, Fassbender is in talks to star in the upcoming crime flick, Trespass Against Us. | | | LATEST GALLERIES
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